Do Not Disturb: Privacy in Social Media
February 19, 2013
There’s no doubt that privacy in social media is a hot topic. In fact, a Google search of those four words—“privacy in social media”—will get you more than three billion results. Wow! That’s a lot of information, and it could be scary. It’s understandable that business owners may be wary of engaging in social networking. While some are concerned about compromising their own privacy, others believe that their business’s presence on social media is walking too fine a line between marketing and invading their customers’ privacy.
It is, however, possible to be safe and secure while using social media as an effective marketing tool for your business.
The first step is to understand the various types of social media available and which ones will best meet your business needs. Knowing the focus of a specific social platform and how it works will increase your confidence about being an active participant.
The second step is to know what privacy controls are in place. It’s always a good idea to check the social site’s privacy policy. Most can be found online, and I have provided the links to the privacy policies for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter below. These are not the most exciting documents you will read, but familiarizing yourself with them is time well spent.
You also want to make sure your privacy settings align with your comfort level. You can control certain aspects of your exposure, so it’s important to know what you want and how to manage your settings. If you’re uncertain, discuss your needs with a social media professional who can help you determine the right settings for you and your business. You may also want to talk to other business owners who are successfully using social media for their input and advice.
It is possible to strike a balance between successfully leveraging social media for your business and being comfortable with your level of exposure.
Privacy Policies:
Click here for Facebook
Click here for Twitter
Click here for LinkedIn